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I share with you my thoughts on random topics that I either read, observed or experienced.

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It has been a dream come true to finally publish a book. I hope these books can help you better your life today.

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Hey there, I’m Plurence

author. runner. daydreamer.

It’s funny how those “wishful thinking” I used to have as a child slowly unfolded in the last couple of years. I remember one time during my high school days, my father brought me a book from Lonely Planet about Canada. Flipping through the pages, I found myself daydreaming living in that beautiful country, sitting under a tree writing my book. Well, as they say, dreams do come true. Now here I am in the maple country, publishing my books and living my dream. Magical, isn’t it?

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my scribbling


My first book “Stoicism’s Amor Fati” is a true experience from the heart. Having fought my own misfortunes, I turned to Stoic concept to fully accept my fate. This book dwells on how one can grow to love his or her misfortunes. The second book I wrote “Understanding Speed Reading” was inspired by my favourite movie “Matilda”. Speed reading is quite a controversial topic as many believed it is simply impossible to achieve such feat. My take? IT IS REAL and like any other “super” skills, it takes a lot of practice, focus and application of proper techniques to master it. Do you want to be the next reading speedster?




what i thought


Becoming like children: an antidote to unhappiness

Have you ever wonder that as you grow up happiness becomes an elusive pursuit? When you are attending college or university, you can’t wait to get a job and start a new life. And when you finally graduated, got a job, you can’t wait to start your own family or perhaps chase that wildest dream you always had. The list is endless and the closer we are to becoming our own definition of what an adult would look like, the less unhappy and unsettled we are. Shouldn’t we be happier  now that we are finally on the pinnacle of our existence? The paradox of life, eh?

Jesus, the Great Teacher, had mention several times in the Bible and had invited us to acquire a moral disposition similar to that of the little children.

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Seek Meaning In Your Life, Not Success But What About Happiness?

We often equate success with substantial bank accounts, corporate titles, fame and popularity, an array of properties and the list goes on and more often than not, we think that with success comes happiness but do you often wonder  why some filthy rich people still commit suicide?

Finding meaning in everything we do puts our life into perspective. When we transcend beyond ourselves and focus on serving others, happiness then becomes a by-product. Shifting our attention to helping other people fills our need for belongingness, for emotional connection and gives us a  higher sense of purpose. The very thing that provides us genuine happiness.

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The Gravity of the Battle Means Nothing to Those at Peace

Inner peace does not equal to ones personal circumstances. Having a hefty bank account does not guarantee peace of mind when a family member is diagnosed with cancer. Having a high-paying career does not mean a bright future and a happy family life because time and unexpected events (death, war, illness, political upheavals) overtake them all.”  (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

An extract from the book called The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari says, “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you is nothing compared to what lies within you”Focus on building your inner fortress because that will be your sanctuary when life  becomes hard and unpredictable. No amount of power, prestige  or wealth can ever save you when deep inside you are crumbling.  How is inner peace achieved and cultivated then?

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plurence june

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