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Their Opinions Won’t Matter

The advent of social media has set some standards on the aspect of beauty, of how romantic relationships should be like and even how our weekends should be spent. We are so caught up with these “posts” that deviating from them will make you weird or indifferent from the eyes of the world.

How valuable are their opinions to you? Or can you go on with life brushing off their views?

While some opinions about us are a bit harsh and below the belt, others are more of a compliment and usually it’s the latter that we listen and base our decisions from. Well, it makes sense because it is on our side. Sometimes, it’s how the opinions are communicated to us that upset us, not the opinion in itself. Others are offended because somehow this opinion speak some real truth which they refuse to accept as this goes against their own beliefs and principles.

Some criticisms offer valuable lessons and if we refuse to care about them and just ignore, then we might lose the opportunity for growth, risk the chance of not getting that opportunity that could have challenge us and might pave the way for better possibilities and even better our lives.

I’ve realized that the real point here is not about to stop caring what other people say. It is to acknowledge what they say and analyze with an open mind, set biases aside and think logically. 

Remember, these opinions and criticisms won’t affect you without your consent.

A friend of mine told me she stopped caring what others say. And with “others”, she meant her close circle – family and close friends. I think what she truly meant is she will stop pressuring herself meeting those so-called expectations.

Stop worrying about their opinions. These are “outside noises” that could detract you from your goals and reaching your authentic self. Focus instead on what you can control and let go of what you can’t.